

I'm Chris Houston.,A Software Developer.,A Retired United States Marine.,A Fashion Designer.,A World Traveler.,A New Yorker.

I'm Chris, a software developer who loves to question, read, learn, and build. I wake up excited to test and broaden my skills by implementing Full-Stack solutions to conquer new problems in creative ways.

About Me

Hello! I'm Chris Houston,

a developer looking to make an impact with a corporation whose values and culture I align with.

As a former Marine Corps Electronics Maintenance Technician, I have years of experience troubleshooting and diagnosing complicated faults on a range of equipment.

After a few years in the U.S. and abroad as a junior technician, I eventually supervised a maintenance section and was selected to teach at the largest occupational school in the Marine Corps, the Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School, or MCCES.

While at MCCES instructing Marines in technical skills, I refined organizational, managerial, and public-speaking skills, all of which serve to help make me an asset to any team.


I've used quite a few technologies in my developer journey so far...

This section will continue to grow!

Google Firebase
MUI Core
React Bootstrap

Other Developer Tools

Version Control & Development - GitHub | VSCode | Nodemon | npm

API Development - Postman | Insomnia

Database Development - Sequelize | Beekeeper

Collaborative Tools - Zoom | Slack | Trello | Agile Project Management

My Projects

A few of the projects that I am most proud of.

Project Presentation

Dimensional Defender

Arcade-Style Space Shooter Game

Time Frame: 3 Days

• Solo development of a Python arcade game using the Pygame library w/ JSON to save high score data.

• Learned Pygame library through self-study to build a project using technologies outside of the scope of my development course.


Earthquake Tracker

Global Seismic Activity Tracking Application

Time Frame: 5 Days

• Remote 4-person frontend development team built an earthquake tracker app utilizing two APIs that allows the user to visualize and obtain data about the 60 most recent earthquakes worldwide.

• Responsibilities: Designed HTML layout, selected all iconography & completed most of the CSS, rendered earthquake data from API w/ JS & Bootstrap cards, authored the README file.


S.M.A.C. Overflow

Software Developer Chat/Reference/Collaboration Application

Time Frame: 2 Weeks

• Remote 4-person full-stack development team built a chat / reference / collaboration application inspired by Slack messenger and Stack Overflow that allows the user to make an account and ask questions of other registered devs, help other devs with their questions, and reference official documentation. Users, user messages, channels, and documentation are stored and related in Google Firebase Firestore Database & Redux.

• Responsibilities: Set up user authentication along with completing login, register, and 'About S.M.A.C.' pages. Set up Firebase database queries and real-time updates features, completed most CSS styles, and authored the README file.



Desktop Website Mockup

Time Frame: 1 Week

• Solo development of a full-stack LinkedIn clone using React. This project allows the user to register, sign in, view current tech and software articles, and make text posts to a central feed in real-time. Users and user posts are stored in Google Firebase Firestore Database, while tech articles and user data are stored in state using React Hooks & Redux. Two APIs pull separate tech and software articles that populate the 'LinkedIn News' section.

• Project Removed Due To Copyright Claim From LinkedIn. Must have been a decent clone. 😏


SLR Couture

Fashion Designer Lookbook/Gallery

Time Frame: 2 Months

• Solo development of a full-stack fashion gallery using React and Firebase. This project allows the user to view clothing designs from the designer and submit a form with their information to start the order process.

Certs & Awards

Proven leader and learner who blooms wherever planted.

Contact Me

I truly appreciate you taking the time to get to know a little about me.

If you'd like to know more, please feel free to reach out!

Connect On LinkedIn

Christopher Houston USMC (Ret.)

Email Me At

[email protected]

Visit My GitHub
